Saturday, June 30, 2012

Good Things Come to Those That Read... This blog

Ceiling painting is very much underway! We shall be done with that today/tonight and then onto working on the ceiling stuff! We are getting quite close to opening now!

Hey y'all people that e-mailed me! I have replied to you, so go see! I imagine that we shall meet on Monday afternoon. Time and place is in the e-mail~ See you guys!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I should have probably mentioned this earlier, but it went over my head~ When a new business opens, there is a pretty high chance that there will be jobs, correct? Correct! We are hiring! We don't yet have a phone number, but email is a fantastic option! We can set up a time and place to meet!

Monday, June 25, 2012


The store has been completely tiled! Just some base cove left to do and some really pretty mosaic on the machine wall! Then I think it's painting and equipment! Something like that...

Anyone have flavor suggestions or requests? I promise that I'll see what I can do!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Taste Testing?

All initial inspections are done, walls are covered up, and tiling is underway! I think we just might be able to open on time as planned!

So I was thinking about taste testing. There are certain flavors I like and then some that I don't. But just because I personally don't like it, doesn't mean that other people don't like them. I would like to think that I am somewhat of a food guru, but really, my 19 years of life has hardly scratched the surface of all the foods and tastes there are in the world. Now back to the point of all this: I'd like to host an exclusive tasting event just before we open to see what people think of my flavor-mixing fun! Please do comment on this!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

New blog! Oh my!

Wahh new blog! I don't really know what's going on yet. I get to play with fonts too! Awesome!

But anyways, as the first post, I suppose I should talk about what Yotopia is. Yotopia is a new frozen yogurt concept in Minnesota. It is currently under construction, but will ideally be open in mid-July. For this blog, I think I will post about the construction of the place, how it's going, and keep posted about when it's actually going to open. Plus, I can get wordy-er here than I should on Facebook or even Google+ so that my posts don't bother people too much.

Construction! The walls are all up! Inspections are happening, so the walls should be complete and kitchen tile put down by Monday! Then we get to move on to the dining room area, I think. I am quite excited about decorating the front area! Come have a peek inside if you want!